For Students Who
What is UKirk?
UKirk provides professional support, empowerment and community for those engaged in campus ministry on behalf of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) UKirk is a central hub for this vital and challenging aspect of ministry, dedicated to nurturing connections and sharing resources with fellow professionals in the field. Our mission is one of caring, coaching, educating, and advocating as you minister to college students across the country
What's happening
Opportunity for Students
Are you a young adult interested in a transformational year of meaningful work, intentional community, and caring for Earth and neighbor? Are you interested in spreading the word to young adults you know? Join YATC for our Recruiting Webinar on Sunday, February 23, 5...
Register Now for a Fundraising Training Cohort!
Learn a more strategic, relational and sustainable approach to fundraising this year through one of UKirk’s Fundraising Training Cohorts. Help with fundraising has been the #1 request from UKirk Network Leaders the last five years, and UKirk is excited to offer you...
Join us in St. Louis for the 2025 National Gathering!
We are excited to be joining with our ELCA and Episcopal colleagues this summer for our in-person National Gathering at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, June 24-27, 2025. Not only will this conference offer time for education, collegial networking, and...
Don’t go it alone. Utilize our full array of resources time tested by dozens of other college ministries across the country.