Psalm 118:1-9
1 O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his steadfast love endures forever!
2 Let Israel say,
“His steadfast love endures forever.”
3 Let the house of Aaron say,
“His steadfast love endures forever.”
4 Let those who fear the LORD say,
“His steadfast love endures forever.”
5 Out of my distress I called on the LORD;
the LORD answered me and set me in a broad place.
6 With the LORD on my side I do not fear.
What can mortals do to me?
7 The LORD is on my side to help me;
I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.
8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to put confidence in mortals.
9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to put confidence in princes.
Ever present God, we give you thanks for your enduring love and continual presence at our side. We put our confidence in you in these times of worry and busyness. You have set us in a broad place and held us up so that we do not fear. Let us continue to feel you as we face the trials on the road ahead. With gratitude we pray, Amen.
Written by Abbie Ryon (they/them), Alumni, Mercer UKirk (Mercer University)
and second year student at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Click here for the rest of today’s lectionary readings.