Early Bird Deadline Fast Approaching!

  • Did you know you can request a scholarship to attend the 2025 National Gathering?
  • Did you know there is a FREE pre-conference gathering for all campus ministers who have been in their call 3 years or less?
  • Did you know that this year those doing Young Adult Ministry in every form are invited to attend the conference?
  • Did you know you’ll save $40 if you register by the Early-Bird deadline, March 15th?

Join us June 24-27, 2025 at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, for our first ever Ecumenical National Gathering!

The conference theme is ‘Justice & Joy.’ Our grounding text is Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭15, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” The theme and scripture text invite us to courageously face injustice, tribulation, and brokenness in our world while faithfully bearing witness to God’s justice, joy, and healing presence. It is a call both to empathy and action, to solidarity and advocacy. To find out more about the conference, schedule, etc…, go here

Registration Information:

Earlybird Registration $260 (Deadline: March 15)

Regular Registration $300 (Final Registration Deadline: April 30)

Commuter Registration: $100

Exhibitor Participant/Partner Registration (with housing): $400*

CLICK HERE to register. Got questions? Email the Conference Planning Team by clicking here.

*Exhibitors/Partners who wish to find their own housing should register as commuters.