UKirk provides professional support, empowerment and community for those engaged in campus ministry on behalf of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) UKirk is a central hub for this vital and challenging aspect of ministry, dedicated to nurturing connections and sharing resources with fellow professionals in the field. Our mission is one of caring, coaching, educating, and advocating as you minister to college students across the country.
UKirk is proud to be a covenant partner of the PC(USA) Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Office of Christian Formation, and a member of the Christian Formation Collective with sister organizations PYWA (Presbyterian Youth Worker’s Association), PCCCA (Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center Association), POAMN (Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry Network), and APCE (Association of Partners in Christian Education).
Presbyterians have a long history in the United States of educational mission. Beginning with the formation of Presbyterian seminaries and colleges in the 1700s, and expanding to ministry with young adults at state colleges and universities by the late 19th century, supporting the intellectual, spiritual, and emotional formation of young people for leadership in the church and the world is said to be the oldest mission beyond the congregation since Presbyterians came to this country.
Today, collegiate ministry is being carried out in numerous ways at both large and small state schools, Presbyterian-related colleges and universities, and private liberal-arts institutions and community colleges. These ministries are led by part-time and full-time campus ministers, can be organized as part of the ongoing mission of a congregation, as independent 501c3 organizations supported by donors, as ecumenical partnerships with one or more denominational partners, as a part of the ministry of a presbytery, or a combination thereof.
The whole church continues to be called to care for and nurture the intellectual, spiritual, and emotional lives of young adults—both those who were raised in the church and those who were not.