2025 Fundraising Training Cohorts

Learn a more strategic, relational and sustainable approach to fundraising this year through one of UKirk’s Fundraising Training Cohorts.

Help with fundraising has been the #1 request from UKirk Network Leaders the last five years, and UKirk is excited to offer you and your ministry this course to not only help you learn how to fundraise, but also create the systems and infrastructure you need to move forward with confidence and passion to ensure your mission is fully funded.

Based around the Taking Donors Seriously (TDS) curriculum, each cohort will be facilitated by a trained UKirk Network Leader who will guide participants through the training. The course material (video modules and workbook), 6 group sessions (one in-person) and 1 – 60 minute personalized coaching session, will assist participants in developing their own: 

  1. Case for Support
  2. Leadership Team
  3. Prospects List
  4. Annual Strategy
  5. Plan Going Forward
The cost for the TDS training is normally $2,500. As this is our pilot year, UKirk Network Ministries who sign up for one of our 4 fundraising cohorts in 2025 will pay a discounted rate of $1,500! Ministries can elect to pay in 5 monthly installments of $300, or pay in full. Those who pay in full will receive a $100 discount.
If cost is prohibitive, please reach out to UKirk National executive director Rev. Gini Norris-Lane to discuss other arrangements.
Our first cohort begins Monday, March 3rd, 2025 and runs through late June, and will be led by Rev. Tamika Nelson from UCM Houston. Both campus ministers and board members are invited to participate!
Our 2nd cohort will be an accelerated course and will run from May-July, and will be led by Rev. Dr. Andrew Scales from Princeton Presbyterians. Rev. Ashley-Anne Masters from PCM Raleigh and Neil Myer from UKirk at Michigan State University will be leading cohorts 3 and 4.  To register for any of our cohorts, click here.  If you plan to register for Cohort #1, please register by February 21st. 
All cohorts will gather for an in-person overnight session June 23-24 prior to the 2025 National Gathering.
For more information, contact Rev. Gini Norris-Lane at [email protected].