December 11, 2023

Read Psalm 27:1-14.

As I read the ancient words of the psalmist, “whom shall I fear and of whom shall I be afraid,” the news announced horrific terrorism in Israel on October 7, of daily bombings in Gaza, and a mass shooting in Maine.

Honestly, the fear is very real. War is raging around the world, our nation is intensely divided, less and less people are finding comfort in a church community, while politicians appreciate guns more than social safety nets. And then I read, “though an army encamp against me.” Seems like the psalmist can relate. Yet I yearn, “how are we to find any solace or hope in these moments?” For the psalmist and for us, the answer is the character and nature of God. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; The Lord is the stronghold of my life…For he will hide me in his shelter and set me on a high rock.” The Lord is the One who hears us when we cry out and the One who never leaves us or forsakes us. So then what shall we do when the violence and evils of the world rage and multiply? Seek after the Lord’s house, behold the beauty of the Lord, offer up shouts of joy and make melodies to the Lord. Ultimately, we can take courage, and wait on the Lord, because God is God, and God is our salvation, the light of these dark times.


Oh great Light, our salvation and hope, be near all those who are grieving due to acts of violence and war. Please bring an end to armed conflict and usher in the peace of your Kingdom. Amen.

Rob Musick Chaplain, University of Pikeville