December 19, 2023

Read Acts 3:17-4:4.

Human Alarm Clocks

From the time of our ancestors of the faith to now, prophets can be difficult to listen to. They point out the truth about us, our faith communities and our institutions. Oftentimes they are truth- tellers speaking hard things to our leaders, systems, and to the powerful. They are uncomfortable, because they call us outside of our comfort zone to honor God with everything we have. It is all too easy to become defensive, or to ignore the faithful people in our world who speak with a prophetic voice. But then we remember God’s call to remember the oppressed, the marginalized, and the hurting in our world, and we hear our prophets call those of us with privilege, who have become so comfortable, to wake up and heed the call of the needy.

Today, give thanks to God for the people who call us to more, and remind us to keep awake to serve and advocate for the Kindom of God and those who are often overlooked. Those people call us to pay attention to the plight of others, and find ways to bring about God’s plan for the world right here and now. While prophets can be difficult, they are gifts of God that are our human alarm clocks when we fall asleep and ignore those in need.


God, give us ears to hear and a spirit of willingness to listen to your prophets when they speak. Help us discern your voice in the midst of others and not ignore the cries of the needy. Help us to use our voice to stand for those in need, and help us today to give appreciation to those prophetic voices in our lives. Amen.

Rev. Drew Ensz Campus Minister, Arise Campus Ministry (George Mason University & Northern Virginia Community College)