Maryville College



The College Chaplain has overall responsibility for the Center for Campus Ministry (CCM), and for fostering religious and spiritual life at Maryville College through a multifaith and pluralistic approach. Working collaboratively with a diverse community of students, administrators, faculty, and staff, the Chaplain will endeavor to integrate the College’s PCUSA church relatedness into the fabric of college life, providing a nurturing environment that equips students with resources to help them build a mature and credible faith for an increasingly complex world (MC Faith and Learning Statement, 2024). The College’s Presbyterian affiliation encourages service, stresses humility, and promotes exploration and growth in faith and understanding throughout our lives. The Chaplain will be a visible, approachable, and accessible spiritual resource for the entire campus community, working in conjunction with other campus support resources, such as the VP/Dean of Students, Student Counseling, Human Resources, etc. The Chaplain will represent the College with the Presbyterian Church USA, including the Presbytery and Synod, and will coordinate the overall work of the Board of Church Visitors (BCV).

For the full job description and application portal, please go to: https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs/ViewJobDetails?job=129448&clientkey=1064DAE0FBE4FE97CBC8BAA9499D8EE7