by Tent App Support | Dec 25, 2019
UWORSHIP: Meditations on Luke 16:1-13 February 12, 2018 Luke 16:1-13 THE SHREWD MANAGER MEDITATION: Many Bible scholars believe that Jesus’ parables were originally passed on by word of mouth for several years before any applications or interpretations were added onto...
by Tent App Support | Dec 25, 2019
UWORSHIP: Meditations on Luke 15:11-32 February 5, 2018 Luke 15:11-32 THE PRODIGAL MEDITATION: This parable is often titled the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Others, recognizing the undeniable emphasis placed on the unexpected grace of the father, have referred to it...
by Tent App Support | Dec 25, 2019
UWORSHIP: Meditation on Luke 14:25-35 January 29, 2018 Luke 14:25-35 THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP MEDITATION: Jesus’ words are often challenging, but sometimes they are exceptionally so. Why on earth should we hate our parents, spouses, siblings, or children as Jesus...
by Tent App Support | Dec 25, 2019
UWORSHIP: Meditations on Luke 14:1-14 January 22, 2018 Luke 14:1-14 HUMILITY AND PLACES OF HONOR MEDITATION: Have you ever felt foolish after presuming you would receive some form of recognition or honor that you felt you deserved while it ended up going to someone...
by Tent App Support | Dec 25, 2019
UWORSHIP: Meditations on Luke 13:18-21 January 15, 2018 Luke 13:18-21 MUSTARD SEED MEDITATION: Jesus frequently draws on images from nature and agriculture to speak of the kingdom of God in his parables. Here he compares the kingdom to a mustard seed and to three...