UKirk News & Events

It was amazing to see so many UKirk leaders and students at the UKirk reception Montreat College Conference in January! Not only am I grateful to connect or re-connect with y’all in person, I’m also excited to share all of the opportunities UKirk has coming up for network ministers and your students. You’ll find these on the UKirk website or our App under News & Events. (And be sure to share with students the summer in

I am also excited share updates about two new little ones who have joined the network via their parents! Jessie Light-Wells (UKirk SMU) and her husband, Zach, welcomed Phoebe Jane Light-Wells to the world on December 29th, and Nii Addo Abrahams (Pres House) and his partner, Haley Moshier, welcomed Bennin Amari Moshier Abrahams on January 7th! You can see pictures of these beautiful little ones in our UKirk Leaders Facebook group. Welcome, Phoebe and Bennin!

To more easily share news of all kinds, UKirk Board Co-Moderator Matt Frease (UKirk Tallahasee) invites you to join the UKirk Collegiate Ministries Campus Minsters Group on GroupMe. He says, “We will use this space to share updates, ideas, t-shirt trades, prayer requests, and any other general shenanigans that accompany the work of Campus Ministry. To join, click this link and follow the prompts to download the app if you are accessing the link from your phone or signing up/signing in to your GroupMe account from a web browser. We hope you join us in this virtual community space.”

Peace and blessings on your week,


PS – Don’t forget to tell your alum about the Manna Conference coming up! And UKirk Daily has been down because of user error (my own), and should be back up and running this afternoon.