For Students Who
What is UKirk?
UKirk provides professional support, empowerment and community for those engaged in campus ministry on behalf of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) UKirk is a central hub for this vital and challenging aspect of ministry, dedicated to nurturing connections and sharing resources with fellow professionals in the field. Our mission is one of caring, coaching, educating, and advocating as you minister to college students across the country
What's happening
Emerging Leaders Program @ Auburn Seminary
Do you know a student or young alum from your UKirk Network Ministry who wants to learn more about how to bridge divides, build community, pursue justice, and heal the world? Auburn Theological Seminary's Emerging Leaders Program may be something they want to look...
Check Out New Full Time and Part Time Openings!
Are you or your students discerning where God may be calling you to serve in a new way? Check out these opportunities in Ft. Worth, Laramie, Williamsburg, LaGrange, Bozeman, and with APCE!
We Were Made for Times Like These?
Friends, This week - this month - this Fall semester has contained a lot for all the students, faculty, staff and volunteers connected to our UKirk Network Ministries. I've talked to many of you who are carrying the hopes, fears, concerns, and questions not only of...
Don’t go it alone. Utilize our full array of resources time tested by dozens of other college ministries across the country.