Refer a Student

Why Refer a student to ukirk?

Faith on campus matters. UKirk welcomes all. Community is key at college. We all need help sometimes. And God invites us to work for justice. Visit this blog post to read more and find a shareable social media campaign. 

If there is a student you know that you would like to connect to a UKirk ministry, after asking their permission fill out the form below and they will be connected to a UKirk minister or chaplain at their college or university.

What's happening

From our Virtual Gathering Today

From our Virtual Gathering Today

At today's virtual gathering and Visio Divina, we lifted up the prayer requests sent in from across the country as we paused to reflect on a beautiful image from the St. John's Bible. If you would like to receive the list of prayer requests, please email Gini at...

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