Register a Ministry

group of people sitting on ground with bonfire



Welcome to the UKirk Network Registration. Although all PCUSA and PCUSA associated ministries are automatically considered part the UKirk Network, each ministry must register (or re-register) to be recognized by the Office of Collegiate Ministry and the UKirk Network, regardless of your branding status.

Please provide the ministry site information in the first part and the minister information in the second part. This will enable the Office of Collegiate Ministry to maintain contact with each site, even if the leadership changes. We will communicate through both emails (ministry site and minister). One year from the date of your registration, a renewal notice will be sent to the “Ministry Site Email” so that you can update any information.

Ministry Info

Minister Info

Please check to confirm this information is correct and up to date

What's happening

UKirk Leaders Spiritual Direction Group

UKirk Leaders Spiritual Direction Group

Do you long for a time to pause, breathe, and reflect? A UKirk Leaders Spiritual Direction group may be for you. Led by trained spiritual director and pastor Rev. Erica Knisely, this virtual small group of 4-5 will meet monthly on the 2nd Thursdays beginning on April...

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Virtual Circle of Trust Retreat April 24-26, 2025

Virtual Circle of Trust Retreat April 24-26, 2025

“Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic self-hood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be. As we do so, we will not only find the joy that every human being seeks–we will also find our path of authentic service in the world.” ~...

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Early Bird Deadline Fast Approaching!

Early Bird Deadline Fast Approaching!

Did you know you can request a scholarship to attend the 2025 National Gathering? Did you know there is a FREE pre-conference gathering for all campus ministers who have been in their call 3 years or less? Did you know that this year those doing Young Adult Ministry...

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