December 31, 2023

Read Isaiah 61:10-62:3. As much as I love how houseplants brighten my home, I admit: I have no idea what I’m doing. Some of my plants have flourished, growing beautifully regardless of what I do, and yet others, despite all my research and care, wither away. Sometimes...

December 30, 2023

Read 2 Peter 3:8-13. We always seem to be waiting for something. College acceptance letters, an upcoming break from school, a plane. We know these will come eventually. There are other things, like healing for someone we love, that are less assured, but we trust they...

December 29, 2023

Read Matthew 12:46-60. Part of the Family In today’s scripture, Jesus invites us to expand our idea of what it means to be family. While addressing a crowd, someone invites Jesus to give his attention to his family, who was waiting nearby. In response, Jesus questions...

December 28, 2023

Read Jeremiah 31:15-17. Jeremiah 31:15-17 depicts hope amid bitter sorrow and weeping. Perhaps you’ve experienced this kind of bitter sorrow and weeping, or you know a loved one who has. Perhaps you’ve seen this bitter sorrow and weeping on the news or social media....

December 27, 2023

Read 1 Samuel 2:1-10. Hannah’s story of infertility, hopelessness, and longing is one I unfortunately know too well, as it is my own story. Thankfully, after much struggle and loss, our son was finally born this year. If I learned anything from her journey and mine,...

December 26, 2023

Read Psalm 148. December 26 begins the strange and stretchy days in between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. You may forget the day of the week. You may forget how many days are left in winter break. You may even forget to “keep awake,” and take that monster nap you’ve...