Gift Card Giveaway WINNERS

Gift Card Giveaway WINNERS

I’m excited to announce the winners of our gift card giveaway! Rev. Becca Seely from LaMP in NYC was chosen out of the 35 who logged on and updated their ministry information. In addition to serving as LaMP’s co-pastor, Becca serves as pastor of PRiSM...
UKirk News

UKirk News

Last week, I referenced the powerful words of 1 Corinthians 12:26, and am deeply aware how much more profound the invitation to “suffer with all who suffer” means after watching the unfolding violence of the war between Hamas and Israel. What does it mean...
UKirk E-News & Events

UKirk E-News & Events

Friends, Have you ever been to Stony Point Conference Center in Stony Point, NY? I’ve been here this week working with UKirk board members, leaders, and our Presbyterian Mission Agency Christian Formation Collective partners across the PC(USA). Among the five...