December 25, 2023

Read Luke 2:1-20. Like the shepherds keeping watch by night, we’ve spent much of the past year anxiously waiting for morning. When each day asks us to witness fresh violence and catastrophe, it becomes a blessing when night passes without a new tragedy to bear. So,...

December 24, 2023

Read John 1:1-14. Today’s passage is one that highlights dichotomies, acknowledging heavy realities and reminding us that the love of God shall not be overcome. The way the Word, the Light, is described feels a bit like magic with its eternal presence. But the other...

December 23, 2023

Read John 7:40-52. In some ways, the winter season has become a time of too much. There’s the stress of finals, pressure to buy the perfect gift, manage finances, hang up all the decorations. Showing the holiday spirit feels less about cheer and connection and more...

December 22, 2023

Read Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26. I have a penchant for never getting enough sleep. That means I’m always tired. Some days that tiredness really catches up to me, and all I want to do is lie down. But the busyness of life rarely allows for that, so I must find a way to push...

December 21, 2023

Read Hebrews 1:1-4. In today’s passage, we see that God speaks to us in different ways over time. In the Old Testament, prophets often spoke on God’s behalf. In Advent, we wait with anticipation for a new way of God speaking into our lives. Jesus comes without fanfare...

December 20, 2023

Read Mark 9:9-13. In Mark’s ninth chapter, Jesus takes disciples Peter, James, and John up to the mountain top, and there he is transfigured before their eyes with the prophets Moses and Elijah appearing before them. They are stunned and bewildered, and their senses...